Bequest Program

For more than thirty-five years,
Penn South Social Services (PSSS) has served thousands of older cooperators by helping them meet their changing needs. It has enabled them to live independent, fulfilling lives in their own homes among friends and neighbors.

No one can control time, but you can make a gift that can impact the future.

​Through our unique Penn South Program for Seniors we provide free social and health care services. Our educational, recreational, and cultural programs, ranging from tai chi, comedy improv, and computer courses to concerts, lectures, and films, are devoted to promoting physical and psychological well-being. We have demonstrably reduced the incidents of falls in our community through our innovative Falls Prevention Program.

These exceptional services provided within our own housing cooperative offered the first supportive on-site program of its kind—and established Penn South as the first NORC-SSP (Naturally Occurring Retirement Community-Supportive Services Program) in the United States.

Penn South Social Services became possible through the generosity of many, including cooperators like you. Some have supported us by remembering PSSS in their wills. Their bequests have helped enrich the lives of others. These benefactors, who made their gifts many years before, are gratefully remembered by those whose lives they now touch.

You too can touch the lives of others well into the future by including PSSS in your will.

In your will you can:

  • Stipulate a specific amount of money you wish to give.

  • Leave all, or a portion, of the equity of your apartment to PSSS.

  • Make PSSS a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, IRA, or other retirement plans. 

  • Donate a gift of securities.

  • Include a gift of what remains after providing for loved ones.

  • Name PSSS as a beneficiary if other heirs do not survive you.

To discuss your interest in leaving a bequest, or to learn more about our naming opportunities,